Postal Address
Do you prefer the training to be delivered online or face-to-face?
Where (county, town etc) do you want the training to take place?
How many days or half-days of training are you looking for?
What areas of training are you looking for? E.g. ‘Basic introduction’, particular topics or specialised areas (please specify) etc.
How many participants do you want to attend?
If you have in mind specific dates, or time of year, when are they?
What profession(s) do the participants come from?
What type of service(s) do they work in?
What experience / training in CBT do they have? Please give rough percentage who are at:
'Beginners' level (%)
'Intermediate' level (%)
'Advanced' level (%)
‘Beginners’ level means people who have little or no CBT training – they may have read a bit about CBT or been to a workshop, but have had no systematic training or experience in CBT
‘Intermediate’ level means people who already have some knowledge of CBT and some experience in using cognitive formulations & treatment methods – for instance they know cognitive models of depression and anxiety, and are able to identify & test automatic thoughts and design behavioural experiments.
‘Advanced’ level means people who use CBT routinely as part of their clinical practice. They have probably undertaken a significant number of training courses / workshops & routinely use a broad range of CBT strategies to work with a range of presentations at varying levels of complexity