OCTC is involved in developing guidance related to best practices of CBT therapy, supervision and training in the current situation. These guides will be available under the ‘resources’ tab on our website.
Looking after NHS staff
A very helpful video for health care workers coping with stress, made by Dr Michael Bloomfield, on of our CBT graduates, and his colleagues at the NHS Traumatic Stress Clinic in London, the UCL Institute of Mental Health and the COVID Trauma Response Working Group
Diamond Waite (2020) Physical Activity Pandemic
Helpful forms for working with OCD
OCD Leaflet
COVID Therapist Guidelines
Early intervention guidelines for providing psychological support to hospital staff during COVID-19
Covid-19: A therapist guide to CBT for OCD
- How has CBT changed in the past 25 years and what can we except next? Hear what OCTC’s founders have to say on the occasion of our 25th anniversary!
OCTC Practical Guides
Relapse management
Relaxation scripts
Understanding Traumatic Intrusions
Being assertive
Attachment Theory: A Brief Overview
Problem Solving: OCTC practical guide
Risk Assessment and Safety Planning
Information about Oxford, accommodation etc.
- Main official Oxford & Oxfordshire tourism site, incl. accommodation
- Another Oxford City information site
- College rooms for visitors
University of Oxford
- University of Oxford Dept. for Continuing Education (which accredits our academic courses)
- The specific page on the Continuing Education site for OCTC courses
- University of Oxford Dept. of Psychiatry
CBT organisations
- British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) – the lead agency for CBT in the UK, which also accredits CBT therapists, supervisors & trainers
- The European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT), which brings together individual associations from all over Europe
- The Academy of Cognitive Therapy in the USA
- The Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies in the USA
OCTC’s commonly used teaching venues
- Google Directions to Warneford Hospital.
Main entrance is on Roosevelt Drive – please click here for more details. - Ewert House
- University of Oxford Continuing Education Dept.
- Unipart Conference Centre
Helen Kennerley; PAIR THERAPY
As part of its CBT Supervision training and skills maintenance, OCTC developed “Practice of Supervision” sessions or “PoS sessions”. These half-day exercises facilitate real-life supervision practice with immediate feedback and an emphasis on learning from reflection on feedback and self-appraisal.Helen Kennerley; THE “BLOBBY” FORMULATION
OCTC News Archive
A new book by Dr Helen Kennerley introduces key principles, strategies and techniques used in CBT.
A new booklet: An Introduction to Managing Psychosis by Rachel Manser and Louise Isham
How has CBT changed in the past 25 years and what can we expect next? Hear what OCTC’s founders have to say on the occasion of our 25th anniversary!
Psychological processes mediating the association between developmental trauma and specific psychotic symptoms in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Click here to read the report.
Melanie Fennell reflects on the revolutionary work of Aaron T. Beck, in her tribute to the forefather of CBT.
Break free from maternal anxiety: a self-help guide for pregnancy, birth and the first postnatal year by Fiona Challacombe, Catherine Green and OCTC team member Victoria Bream.