CBT Assessment and Formulation
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Basic Basic CBT Theory CBT Assessment and Formulation Collaborative working: starting sessions Goal Setting Behavioural Experiments Socratic Method Intermediate - Advanced Using imagery and behavioural experiments to enhance CB for panic disorder and agoraphobia CBT for obsessive compulsive disorder Mental imagery and formulation in cognitive therapy Working with core beliefs Enhanced reliving in PTSD Enhancing self-esteem Compassionate mind... READ MORE
Cost £799 Add to cart -
Working with core beliefs (77min)
Topic: Sometimes, in CBT, the therapist needs to move beyond automatic cognitions to fundamental beliefs. This workshop gives guidance on when this is appropriate and how to elicit core beliefs in ways that are sensitive to the client’s needs and personal resources. It then describes three key techniques for working with them: continuum work, a powerful strategy for combating the extreme quality of problem core beliefs; positive data logs which are helpful in constructing more adaptive beliefs... READ MORE
Cost £90 Add to cart -
Compassionate mind (139min 30sec)
Topic: This module explores the use of compassion focused approaches to work with shame and self-attacking thoughts. First, we explore the theoretical background of compassionate mind as developed by Paul Gilbert. Then we move onto to look at how to formulate cases using this approach. Specific ways of working with self-criticism and shame based memories, through the development of compassion, are presented. Finally, the use and development of compassionate imagery, the perfect nurturer’ is pr... READ MORE
Cost £125 Add to cart -
Behavioural experiments (63min)
Topic: An introduction to behaviour experiments: This presentation provides an overview of Behavioural Experiments. In particular: Understanding the rationale for behavioural experiments Understanding their theoretical base Providing a framework and typology for behavioural experiments to enable clinicians to consider different types of behavioural experiment, and devise an experiment appropriate to the particular circumstance. Behaviour experiments in depression: In Part ... READ MORE
Cost £60 Add to cart