About Us

OCTC is a self-funding agency within Oxford Health NHS Trust, with a remit to provide specialised cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) services, particularly in teaching and training. We have to generate enough income to cover all our costs and have done this successfully every year since the centre was established over 25 years ago.

  • DPhil, MSc and Diploma and certificate courses in CBT and Advanced CBT studies, accredited by University of Oxford.
  • Shorter training programmes in CBT at all levels, from beginners to the most advanced, to a wide range of audiences in Oxford, around the UK and abroad. Audiences include nurses, doctors, psychologists, counsellors, graduate workers and many other groups, in various locations all around the UK. Our overseas programmes include regular contributions to CBT courses in Sweden, Hong Kong and Iceland, as well as comissioned training in other countries.
  • Our new on-line video training modules
  • Clinical supervision, face-to-face, by telephone or via live internet video link
  • Self-help booklets for patients, and guides for clinicians
  • Collaboration on academic projects with Universities

Meet the team